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Охлократ Время бывает жестоким.(12 марта 00:58)

Окна Окна Окна боялись выглядывать на улицу. Белый туман закрывал глаза. Старая площадь напоминала му(12 марта 00:56)

Отражение Отражение Наступишь на зеркало и увидишь картину. Возникнет счастливый и неожиданный образ. Дотр(12 марта 00:53)

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Dana Wilson

I was born and raised in Detroit from a family of 6 children. Father worked in the auto plants and mother was a special ed school teacher. Grew up listening to country music and rock and roll. My CD "Transition" is a debut release with diverse original compositions with influences from Classic Rock, Country, Americana, Modern Rock and more. The collection is a reflection of my transitions through love and life experience that led me to pick up pen, paper and guitar and express myself through music.I n addition to music and songwriting, I enjoy hiking, backpacking, fishing, skiing and travel. In collaboration with Rick Matle, we are back in the studio working on my next CD.